As Winter turns to Spring and the days get warmer, the familiar household argument arises: when should you turn on the air conditioning? In homes across the country, couples, families, and roommates start to battle over the temperature control unit. Let’s put this disagreement to rest.

The Ideal Time

Before turning on your air conditioning unit, consider two factors: the temperature outside and the temperature inside your home. Switch it on too soon, and you’ll incur extra unnecessary expenses, but wait too long, and members of your household will have to live in discomfort. 

The best option is to wait for a string of warm days in a row after the seasons have genuinely changed. This change does not come by the marked “first day of Spring” necessarily. You do not want to switch between air conditioning and heat as it strains your system. Spring can be tricky, and there may be a chilly day or two in the mix, but look out for 7-10 warm days in a row to know it’s time to turn on the air conditioning. 

Even the World Health Organization (WHO) has a recommendation regarding indoor temperature to help settle the argument. WHO recommends keeping indoor temperatures between 64 and 75 degrees Fahrenheit for healthy people. This is especially important for infants, people over 60, or people with chronic health conditions.

Energy And Cost Savings

Everyone likes to be cool and comfortable in their own home. Once you settle the “should we / shouldn’t we” debate, you must still agree on the temperature setting. The good news is that there is an ideal temperature setting there, too! 

The Department of Energy says 78 degrees Fahrenheit is the sweet spot for air conditioners. This agreed-upon temperature is the compromise between the household energy saver and comfort seeker.

While 78 degrees Fahrenheit is suitable for energy savings and comfort, at the same time, at home and awake, it is not ideal for sleep. Bedroom temperatures should be cooler, regardless of outdoor temperatures or the season. Too warm a room can cause restless nights for all parties. 

Aside from adjusting the temperature during the day and evening, there are some tips to keep costs, energy consumption, and the inside temperature down. If possible, open doors and windows to take advantage of the cool morning and evening air. 

If you have ceiling fans, run them and the air conditioner together. This will maximize comfort and energy savings. Although it may seem redundant to run two methods simultaneously, fans can make your air conditioner more efficient.

Test Run And Maintenance

While a well-maintained air conditioning system can last for years, the potential eight-month break is a long time for mechanical equipment. This winter break occasionally leads to operational issues, particularly with the condenser. At Fixed! HVAC, we suggest a yearly checkup of your system to ensure it runs smoothly for the Summer season ahead. 

A professional service technician can clean, inspect, and test your HVAC. Ideally, you should test your HVAC before entirely switching to air conditioning. If there are any issues with the equipment, you’ll have time to call us and remedy them before warmer weather arrives.